Attitudes of students of law and medicine on the dignified death: results of a field work


  • Romina Soria García UNC – Centro de Investigaciones Jurídicas y Sociales. Poder Judicial de Córdoba
  • Noelia Azcona UNC – Centro de Investigaciones Jurídicas y Sociales. Poder Judicial de Córdoba


Dignified death, position, medicine students, law students


Abstract: Different cultures have developed meanings and beliefs around the process of living and dying, not always shared by all social actors that are not free from contradictions. In contemporary society, discusses about the meanings and rating that life and death have acquired a particular and renewed importance. Concepts such as euthanasia, right to die, indirect suicide, death with dignity, suicide, death penalty whatever the situation that covers them, are decisions that generate controversy by its social significance.

We present the results of a research on these issues in the society of which we are part, of them, as university students, whose position would not be necessarily defined. We are part of an interdisciplinary research team, what motivates us to know and to try to understand the attitude of a particular social group: students of careers in law and medicine face questions, whose results are analyzed by statistical techniques.


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