Juridical alternatives to the criminal penalty


  • María Pía Viale Amuchástegui Poder Judicial de Córdoba


Criminal social inclusion, crisis, alternatives, punishment, substitutions


The saturation of the judicial system, the benefit of avoiding all or part of the punishment for certain crimes, the prioritization of other interests on the sanction, such as recovering the victim or rejoining the author by alternative treatments, among other reasons, have led to the emergence of alternatives to the current punitive system. The aim of this research is to analyze the existing alternatives to punishment under the Argentinean and comparative law, trying to take a position on its effectiveness as a mean of substitution for the criminal punishment. The results of this research can eventually become a contribution to those people responsible of deciding whether or not to include these sanction alternatives to our current legal system. The statement: “The end of the punishment is the offender´s social inclusion” arises from the 18th article of our Constitution, the International Treaties after the 1994 reform, the embedded art. 1 of the National Law Nº 24.660 and article 1 of the Provincial Law Nº 8878. As a reaction of the “crisis to justify the punishment and failure of the criminal social inclusion attempt” alternatives for punishment come up as substitutions that pretend to improve the accomplishment of the goals.


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