The Article 192 of the Civil and Commercial Procedure Code of Córdoba, its constitutionality
Constitutionality control, Right of defense, Normative Interpretation, Analogy, Civil and Commercial Procedure CodeAbstract
Doctrinaire and jurisprudential production of control of constitutionality is based on the premise enshrined in Art. 31 of our Constitution (CN) and that this principle is not merely declaratory, there are mechanisms to monitor supremacy. To build a defense system of guarantees of the Constitution is required. It is undeniable that the crisis of justice is present in many systems. In procedure codes usually be great confusion and contradiction. Given this, analyze the system is very useful to find out if there are problems in identifying the right due to the imprecision of language (problems of indeterminacy), the fact that there is no previous standard for regulating a course (gaps are a problem underdetermination ) or cases of excessive regulations (overdetermination) sometimes generate incompatible solutions (contradiction) or unconstitutionality. In this paper, we analyze whether Article 192 of Title III, Chapter III of the Code of Civil Cordoba (CPCC) is contrary to Article 18 CN and international treaties that make up the constitutional normative plexus. It is considered that the right not to incriminate oneself is essential in criminal proceedings because it gives the accused a framework of legal certainty and maintains a balance between the pursuit of material truth and the fundamental rights of the accused; but it seems that we should make the criminal proceedings analogy to say that "having by the defendant confessed" in civil proceedings violates their right of defense.
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