The declaratory action of unconstitutionality and the possibility of a democratic dialogue


  • Ana Inés Perea Astrada Poder Judicial de la Provincia de Córdoba
  • Lucía Laferriere Poder Judicial de la Provincia de Córdoba


Action of unconstitutionality, Judicial review, Dialogic judicial review, Justice in democratizing societies, Deliberative democracy


The aim of this paper is to analyze the regulation of the action of unconstitutionality (art. 165, inc. 1st paragraph a) of the Constitution of Córdoba- Argentina) from a dialogic perspective.

To this end, we have examined the concept of the judicial review, outlined by the Supreme Court in regards to this action. We find the concept insufficient, as it is based on a dichotomous perspective and is, based on a review of the constitutionality, strictly judicial. It also prevents the possibility of democratic deliberation that contributes to promoting the appropriation of the Constitution by the citizenship.

Therefore we suggest a dialogue between the two institutions. Undertaking a preventative approach, we would advise that, after the courts have reviewed the standard, but before application, it should return to the Legislative body or the Deliberative Council for further analysis.

Furthermore, the proposed democratic debate should not be viewed as part of a path to political control, but rather a tool to strengthen the institutions of the Republic.


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